UEG White Book 2 website

    On this newly updated website, you will find many great resources related to our latest pan-European study on digestive health, including facts & figures, graphics and webinars Revealing major health & economic impact of digestive diseases across Europe

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    UEG White Book 2 website

    from July onwards

    We are excited to announce the launch of our new White Book 2 Website, accessible via this link: http://ueg.eu/white-book.


    On this newly updated website, you will find many great resources related to our latest pan-European study on digestive health, including facts & figures, graphics and webinars.

    In addition, we now have a brand-new White Book 2 PowerPoint presentation that you can easily access and download here. We highly encourage you to use these slides for presentations you will be giving on the White Book 2 or specific parts of it. You can simply extract individual slides (on specific diseases or types of cancer) and modify the PPT to suit your needs.

    Finally, we have a new set of infographics with data from the study, all accessible via the Image Hub on the UEG Website.


    Please take advantage of these resources, share them, and spread the word in your networks and social media. We count on your cooperation and sincerely thank you for your continued support!